Friday, June 03, 2005

Neighbor, Dust & Rock

Nice fella, young, married, two dogs, one child, lives in a house right across from our driveway, which shares a cul-de-dac like end with his. Since we live in the mountains our driveway is...ummm...unpaved. Mostly dust actually, with occasional stones and pieces of fallen limbs *:-) Day before yesterday I came home from work early and wheeled rapidly into our driveway. My neighbor was standing in his (recently blacktopped) driveway.
He stood quite still, facing our driveway, as a huge and thick cloud of dust enveloped him and made him gray from head to toe. He said nothing, didn't get mad, didn't smile, just stood there and eventually went into his house.
I got on the phone immediately to the local quarry rock delivery service and ordered 7 yards of 3/4" Aromas washed rock. It arrived promptly and was dumped in the common portion of our driveways. As my wife and I retired for the evening, we could hear the scrape and toss sounds as our neighbor began spreading the rock over the common areas. I finished the job the next morning and now we don't cover him in dust when we pull in *:-) He brought over a half-watermelon this evening and is smiling a bit *:-)

Movie Recommendations:
"Dirty War" (2004) - Yes, see it. OC+
"Echos of Enlightenment" (2001) - No, don't see it. OC-

Lee's OC Index:
OC+ = High potential healing and/or educational message for people with OCD tendencies.
OC- = High potential healing and/or educational message for people with OCD tendencies.

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