Friday, February 11, 2005

Global Gathering

Professional associates from my recent corporate past are gathering here locally soon. My favorite ones have been contacting me and because of the work I have been doing on myself with the state workshops for career centering I am fully prepared and actually excited about seeing the former teammates. Of course there are one or two of them that I hope don't show up [ *:-) ] but that is the way life is.
Winter is letting go of our valley here, and a few miles away down in the lowlands the blossoms have fully engaged their bud sheathes and are beginning to burst. Ours are holding back because we can get very cold at night until another month or so because we are higher and more vulnerable to temperature shift.

Movie Recommendations:

"The Manchurian Candidate" (1962) - Yes, see it. OC+

Lee's OC Index:
OC+ = High potential and/or educational message for people with OCD tendencies.
OC- = Low potential and/or educational message for people with OCD tendencies.

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