Friday, February 04, 2005

Now I get it! America

I am out of my home office today so that my wife's fiber friends can do their thing freely and un-interrupted. This puts me on the street *:-) Actually, at Borders using my T-mobile account to get the web mail and other business done, plus synchronistically running into people I haven't seen in a while, having great conversations, AND...after walking to and fro on the Pacific Avenue Pedestrian Outdoor Shopping Promonade (PAPOSP), burdened with two heavy shoulder bags, I had a flash-realization that the experience I am currently in the middle of, which is a job transition after 25 continuous years of high-intensity USA global corporate management, puts me in a parallel universe to Tom Hanks character in "The Terminal". Because I am not confined to a corporate cubicle, and because I am no longer a citizen of corporate America, I am being given insights into the reality of America that I did not notice because of my limited corporate-specific vision prior to entering my "terminal". Carrying the heavy bags back and forth, I am having spontaneous experiences that could not have happened within the corporate cubicle environment. I am patiently waiting for the entrance doors into my "new America" to happen, and in the meantime, will continue to learn, live and be.

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