Sunday, February 11, 2007

Granddaughter on my knee, reading together *:-)

How cool. I had found what I thought was a cool CD for our granddaughter to "bop" to, the Taj Mahal kids CD mentioned earlier. That worked great, and she did bop to it, moving her shoulders first and then trying to coordinate the rest of her body into the rhythm...she still has some work to do there *:-) Because my wife and I had pretty much just dropped in to our granddaughter's place, with just a 10 minute notice to her parents, I expected to just get a quick look at her dancing to the new CD, then we'd leave, because we know how hard it is to get out of the house with a kid and still get anything done, so we didn't want to take too much time, since it was also raining pretty hard which makes the kid thing even more complicated. However, our son and daughter in law seemed very comfortable with us hanging around a little, and so I got to be there long enough for our granddaughter to get used to me enough for her to accept sitting on my lap and the two of us read some books together, which was very cool.

My wife and I just returned from a "shoe run". I have been having some pain with heel bruises and other issues with my legs, partly because I have been wearing only one type of shoe day in and day out, and often for up to 14 hours per day, which kind of whacks the feet a little. Anyway, we had already purchased the iPod exercise module that fits in or on the shoe so that our new iPod nanos can help us get better at walking and running, and we were going to use our existing shoes, but with the difficulty I have been having, I decided that we would go ahead and get the Nike+ shoe model that is designed to work the best with the iPod module. We did that, and I am wearing my new Nikes right now, and they feel great. I know that it is good to not wear the same shoes all the time, but I did it anyway and am paying the price now. We will go to a measured distance track, calibrate the module and the shoes, and then we can have fun tracking our workout progress. I believe it will be fun and am looking forward to it.

My wife has created some new artisan breads that are absolutely incredible, and we are looking forward to sharing them with our family the next chance we get.

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