Friday, February 09, 2007

Taj Mahal for our granddaughter *:-)

I came across a very cool CD of Taj Mahal music especially created for kids and families, and since our granddaughter is already a natural born "bopper", since she sways and moves when music is on, I am excited about giving this to her and watching her reactions to it.
She also likes to be read to, and I have a very good version of the Winnie The Pooh stories ready to read to her. I am hopeful of getting some time with her soon.

I got a nice break at work, since management accepted my official request to postpone a week-long training in another part of the state that I was to do, since the software app that the training was to be given on is not ready for prime time. The ability of the newly responsible management team, since our previous CEO was removed, to make a decision of that difficulty, which included having to tell the customer to cancel, gives all of us hope that maybe the company will be successful in riding out this transition period, which we were told on Thursday would be for another six months.

We just watched "Running With Scissors" for the first time last night, and really like the movie. Very creative, very cool, very poignant.

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