Thursday, February 22, 2007

Serendipitous Opportunities Taken

Having more and more difficulty coming in to the workplace with a positive attitude, I was struggling with the usual attitude improvers that I use this morning, working to be as positive as possible. My boss has been out of the office for more than 2 weeks, and therefore the usual stress "uploads" haven't been available, and everybody who reports to him is getting more and more irritable.

Serendipitously, a well respected Director stopped in my cube about 10:20 and asked if I had some time to talk about something not related to work. I trust this Director totally so I went to her office. She sits on the senior management team, and I respect and trust her, so when she asked me, during conversation after the original reason for our discussion, if anyone in the office was having difficulty during the transition we are in. I let her know that everyone was, with some more than others, and that some have already started looking for other work, myself included, although we didn't want to, and one high performer has already had some interviews. That got it off my chest and it was good for me to be able to express it. Many other work and stress related subjects were talked about and so it was a two way street of info flow, which will benefit both of us *:-)

Also Serendipitously, as I was escaping the office to go and get my hair cut, another Director who sits on the senior management team stopped me at the double doors, he coming, me going, and mentioned that he had attended a high level meeting at the state capital yesterday, and that my name had been mentioned as a "star performer" for the the division of the University of Blueberry Syrup that I work for, and that the person speaking to him was hoping that I would be available for them to use during their big enrollment campaign set to begin in April. Our Director told me he responded that nobody was really sure about what was going on (shrugging of shoulders). I then said it would be a good idea for the biggie that he spoke to to hook up with the big biggie that is responsible for us now, and for the two, the biggie who wants my services, and the big biggie who oversees the division I report to, to make a decision about yes or no would what I do be available or not. Without that decision soon, I won't be able to prepare the material and might have to default if they make their decision too late. Not that they would care about how hard it was for me, but it would be better if they made the yea or nay decision right now.

Our IT manager shared a very cool tool with me today, which is free, and which you might find valuable:

I have used it twice now and it is amazing and very helpful. I print out the results and keep them with the laptops that need service, so the techs and I know everything we need to clean up software wise. Have Fun *:-)

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