Saturday, February 03, 2007 be tough on the body...

We watched a dvd this evening that was part of a collection from a somewhat idiosyncratic dvd store in our small mountain community, titled "Stick It". Never mind the movie; the gymnastics in the movie, all done live, were jaw-dropping and a delight to watch, and we learned things too. Awesome.
Just got an email from one of the local Directors of the organization I work for that tells all employees that next Thursday we need to be on our best behavior, have our cubes neat and tidy, and dress nicely because a super-big biggie from the great headquarters in the sky is coming by for one hour to "visit"...makes me immediately want to email back and say "piss off, mate". I won't though, because my wife and I love our granddaughter and we want to be able to stay around here (in this very expensive part of the world to live in) so we can share her life, which will require that I continue to be employed *:-)
I am still getting emails tonight from a university student that has been hired to help me do some research, which means that college life hasn't changed all that much...I did almost all my work at night when I was in college.

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