Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Thieves in the night, and daytime too...

Our local police blotter is consistently reporting that homeowners' sheds, cars, and rarely, houses are being broken into and small items stolen. I believe folks who are homeless are cold, tired, hungry, and up here in the mountains are too far from the city-based support services to get what they need. Most aren't caught, and they do a little damage, steal some stuff, and move on. We haven't lost anything yet, but we do have 3 sheds on various parts of our property and we hope the local dogs and our own vigilance, plus the fact that we live on an inconvenient stretch of road, will keep the thieves away. I have no problem nailing them with my .68 calibre paint ball gun with the bright orange paint balls if I do happen to see any of them ripping us off. Might be an improvement in their overall appearance *:-) I choose not to do anything about the homeless at the moment, but I know they need help, and it is beyond my capacity to resolve. I'll keep an open mind about it as long as I can.

Hard times at work, but it is all emotional so that means I am eating too much to compensate, and to try to get away from the feelings. I hope it doesn't go on too long because I am already 30# overweight and I want to trim down.

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