Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Letting Go; Letting Go; Letting Go

Others need to do what they need to do, and it doesn't have anything to do with me. Shake it off, what happened is due to someone else's need to do what they did, not mine. Respect the person, love the person, and don't get caught up in whatever drama is going on with that person, just be. Damned hard to do *:-) Guilt easily rises to the surface even when the happening has absolutely nothing to do with me. Where did I get that? I believe it was fostered in me by my mother...I wonder why she fostered that in me? Probably hated my dad, or something. Ahhhggggg, get rid of this stuff...I don't want it...let go let go let go. Easier now that I have talked about it. Thanks for listening. Have a nice day *:-)

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