Monday, February 26, 2007

Eagle Scout Still Means Something

A couple part time IT jobs for students have come open here, and applications have come in. I was asked to screen the applications prior to selecting interview candidates, and I did so. I included one young man who seemed a little weak on the actual networking experience side, and I included him partly because he is an Eagle Scout. My IT manager, a female, kinda looked askance at me for using Eagle Scout as a criteria for selecting interview candidates, because she had screened him out. I stood by my selection, and explained a little about what it usually means to have completed the Eagle Scout requirements and to have gotten the award. She agreed to interview him. He is getting the job *:-) Enough said *:-)

My wife and I are very glad that Helen Mirren got her well deserved Academy Award, and we enjoyed the movie very much. I also appreciate the way Helen Mirren has lived her life.

1 comment:

Larry McElhiney said...

As an aside, I know that 1989 was a busy year... But, Mirren was in a dark comedy at that time which I recommend:,_the_Thief,_His_Wife_&_Her_Lover

Let me know if you cannot find it and I will loan it to you.