Monday, March 19, 2007

Aggression, Denial, Resistance, Posturing & Child Abuse

Yuck, what an unpleasant work place at the moment. I am one of the lucky ones, because the statewide project that I am a part of got approved to go forward, so I am back on my horse starting Sunday, and am traveling to deliver trainings to faculty who will teach the underserved populations of high school students in this state who would like a chance to enter the University of Blueberry Syrup.

I have chosen the theme "The Gold Rush" as the thread running through all my trainings, because the particular subject I am training the faculty on has been widely identified as the "Gold" level curriculum item on the way to entry into college. I am madly building the trainings because the client moved the dates up, and also doubled up on training sites, which means I have several 12-hour drives ahead of me. No complaints here, because at least for the moment, I am employed *:-)

Our granddaughter was inadvertently abused by the pediatric facility nursing staff that her parents chose for her to get her shots from, and we are disappointed, angry, and wanting her parents to take the appropriate action to protect her medical history in case something results from the abuse (double dosages of immunizations). We have recommend several courses of action, one of which includes getting copies of the medical records and then calling Dr. Dean Edell on the air to ask if our granddaughter will suffer any long term effects of the abuse. We don't know what will happen, and we give a great deal of praise to our granddaughter's mom (our daughter in law) who caught the error and is doing a great job of child raising. We'll wait and see what develops.

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