Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dark Nebula Management Called To Corporate HQ

A sudden call for all Director-Level staff members to report to Corporate HQ for a sit-down meeting with the Super Big Biggies happened at the end of the day yesterday, and the Directors must be in the Corporate HQ at 1 p.m. today. They need to travel nearly 100 miles to get there, so it must be important, and it affects us all. Two of the Directors will have needed to fly to get there.

I will keep my antennae attuned for any detectable changes in the energy patterns around my employment situation when I next see those who attended the meeting.

A "vortex of not-knowing" is where the rest of us are left. Oh well, the Tibetans tells us that the death process takes quite a while, and that all sorts of weird images and weird sounds happen on the journey, so I am helping that along by listening to lots of didgeridoo sounds and watching old Charlie Chaplin movies *:-) I also occaisionally sing-along with children's educational tunes, just to keep the mix balanced. Seems weird to me.

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