Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Negra Modelo For Lunch...Nap Time

My work group got together for lunch today at a Mexican restaurant, and I had my usual Mexican restaurant meal of chips, guacamole & Negra Modelo *:-) I am feeling very mello at the moment and really had to work hard this afternoon to stay productive. I did plenty of work, so no worries there, but maybe I shouldn't have beer for lunch *:-(

I remember when I got my first real, and quite tough, job and it was as a structural steel draftsman in Ohio. Every lunch the old timers and I would go to the chili bowl eatery and most of the old timers would have a beer with their chili and soda crackers. I tried it a couple times but didn't like how I felt afterward, and had a real hard time in the afternoons concentrating on getting all the calculations done for the bearing loads on the beams I was spec'ing out. I remember I made one bad mistake and did not run the bearing plate out far enough on the end of the v-beam, and the contractor, when he was building the building, noticed it and the company I worked for got a big back charge, which I had to pay half of. Oops. Sorry.

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