Thursday, March 22, 2007

Dark Nubula Bosses A Mixed Bag Of Limp & Perky

The dumber the boss, the more perky they are, seemingly oblivious to the unavoidable permutations of what the Super Big Biggies have in mind. Oh well, I'm tired of talking about it. Let it be.

I shall be traveling North, then South next week, and then Way South the week after that, right onto the International border of the USA. Last time I was through there lots of machine gun toting Border Patrol were moving around, setting up camps, and also stopping and searching all traffic in some cases. I am not well enough informed to know if that is necessary or not, so no comment.

I am getting a chance to play a 49er Gold Rush era prospector next week, in front of some tough audiences. I got some perfect boots today, and my wife is helping a lot by getting other stuff together, and I believe it will look good. I had planned to play an Arabic Algebra scholar, but a white guy in a turban and full Arab style dress probably isn't a very good idea given the cultural populations in some of the areas I travel in. We'll just stay nice and white and look the part that we actually had in the 49er period. Better safe than sorry.

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