Sunday, November 25, 2007

Return To Slaka; Wood Heat; Flying Rug; Mo 2Life

Ok then, it's back to Slaka on the 'morrow. I have no idea what the condition of my returning colleagues will be. I shall try to be fit and to wear my shiny black shoes proudly *:-)

My wife is happy. She is so happy that she is in our 3rd level sleeping room, laying in bed, uncovered, unclothed, & happily remarking on the fact that she is just a bit too hot *:-) Ah yes, heat does rise, doesn't it *:-) She has been lightly pestering me to start the winter's slog with our first fire in the wood stove, & I have been resisting it valiantly, but lost the battle today, when I had to admit that the low temperatures in all but 2 of the rooms of the house had gotten out of hand. Suffice it to say, that situation has changed dramatically, & I am actually breaking a sweat up here in my third floor office nook, writing this. The net of it all: My wife is happy *:-)

A large, quite beautiful, quite dutiful, quite suitable, hand-woven classic colorful rug has flown away from our grasp tonight. During a recent bout of my wife being bitten by spiders while she slept, she reacted by cleaning the hell out of the sleeping room, & one casualty was the long-serving rug on the floor of the sleeping room, because of possible tiny spider habitats. It is a very good, & quite valuable rug, & a friend of my wife's came up & took up my wife on the offer of giving it a new home. Tra-la *:-)

I have been given sustenance, assistance, & a personal tour in 2Life today, which helped me a great deal. I was also visited, without asking, by a very high personage in the Mentor clan, who gave me many things, asked me just one question, & after listening to my answer assured me that I will do very well in 2Life *:-) That is the second time I have been told that. Additional advice came in the form of a wise foretelling of how I shall proceed, which is "Let 2Life come to you". Ok then, I will *:-)

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