Friday, May 27, 2005

Memory & Memories & Memorials

I still have mine (the brain function, not the computer kind). I have not noticed any degradation in function or capacity or recall capability and I am greatful for that. My wife is brilliant about foods and cooking utencils and I have good DNA and I am hopeful too that I will get another 30 years out of my memory function because grandkids are just starting to be part of our lives and both my wife and I are doing pretty well otherwise. Good luck to us *:-)

I believe it is time for me to start my autobiography! Wow, I had not really thought about that and blogging about Memorial Day has put that thought on the table for consideration. Cool! Please feel free to click on the link in the blog header to get more info.

I've seen some good, some bad, and of course it depends on the viewer. Those that have been purchased for memorializing a primarily egotistical event or person depress me and I believe send the wrong message. Those that memorialize a shared, human emotional experience and are presented in a healing way I find to be exceptionally valuable to my journey here and I believe we need many more of that type. The town I live in is silly when it comes to that sort of thing and I find that sad.

Movie Recommendations:
"House Of Flying Daggers" (2004) - Yes, see it. OC+

Lee's OC Index:
OC+ = High potential healing and/or educational message for people with OCD tendencies.
OC- = Low potential healing and/or educational message for people with OCD tendencies.

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