Friday, May 13, 2005

Palatino Linotype, HTML & Concentration

Palatino Linotype:
Never used this font before as a choice. Of the fonts approved for the job app I completed and submitted today, Palatino Linotype was the only one MSOffice had available. After using it and printing out the sample page, I recognized it as the font used long ago by pre-Windows machines. I even had fond memories of using vi as my word processor on the Unix boxes I ran *:-). Didn't look all that bad and the resume didn't look all that bad either without any formatting. Kinda nice *:-)

The copy and paste application I was required to use to submit the online application worked perfectly because I did what I was told:
- Remove all formatting!
- Do NOT underline!
- NO bullets!
- Save as HTML only!
- Do not make any typographical errors or mis-spellings!
Wow...I'm back in first grade *:-)

I did not have a problem with concentration during the 3 full days it took to get this cover letter and resume completed and turned in. I was exhausted when it was done tho, and went grocery shopping with my wife as a break and bought and ate a whole bar of chocolate all at once (dark, 60% cacao, milk free). Yum *:-) I was hyper-active for about 2 hours after eating it and my wife was a fairly good sport about it and no disasters happened (that I remember).

Movie Recommendations:
"Dandelion Dead" (1994) - Yes, see it. OC+
"Midsomer Murders: Murder on St. Malley's Day" (2002) - Yes, see it. OC+

Lee's OC Index:
OC+ = High potential healing and/or educational message for people with OCD tendencies.
OC- = Low potential healing and/or educational message for people with OCD tendencies.

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