Thursday, April 05, 2007

Dark Nebula Enforcing A Policy Of Lying To Customers

I returned safely from my business trip to the southern most extent of the galaxy, in the heavy pollution and heat, and am back in the headquarters area catching up on emails. One of the first to catch my eye was one where one of the student assistants complained of abuse received from management because the student assistant refused to "withhold the full truth" from customers, who are being asked to commit to purchase products that the company already knows will never be delivered. Good for the student, who is a least learning to tell the truth and maintain a position of integrity as a result of the college education her parents are paying for. As I predicted, the desperation being felt by the Directors at their coming demise is causing imprudent behavior.

Also, in a listing of meeting minutes from a staff meeting held today (I was on the road and did not attend), I notice two items that seem to me to be fully contradictory:
1. The statement is made by the Interim Acting Executive Director that no organization chart is available for the reorganized company, and it won't be available for some time, which means nobody knows who is being kept and who isn't.
2. Plans have been approved to have a full day off-site "team building" exercise consisting of a cookout.
Guess what? There is no way I will be participating in a team building cookout because I don't even know if I will be invited to remain with the company. This lack of professionalism disappoints me.

I have now made the decision to begin applying for jobs elsewhere. I believe the company will not survive in a form that I can participate with. Perhaps I am wrong, but I will feel more comfortable taking action.

May the force be with us *:-)

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