Sunday, April 01, 2007

On The Road Again...I'm On The Road Again...

Warp speed to the southern most tip of our galaxy tomorrow morning, or at least as close to warp as my Toyota pick-up will go *:-) Fully loaded with digital learning devices, and tools to mine for digital gold. Best to keep busy in these confusing times, I believe. Dark Nebula will be in a state of frozen time until 10 a.m. Tuesday, and then some sort of thaw will begin, but we don't know how painful it will be yet.

My wife and I have been seeing some very good movies lately, and are grateful for that. Maybe the industry is being successfully infiltrated by the independents because they make money for everybody.

We wish our granddaughter a very good week *:-) Also fulfilling is the new knowledge that our youngest son and his wife are expecting a child later this year too, which along with the second child now gestating in our daughter-in-law (wife of our oldest son), means that a week ago when the whole family was here to celebrate a birthday, that 3 grandchildren were in the house! How cool is that? *:-)

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