Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Incompetence Looms Large, Upclose & Personal

Dark Nebula was scheduled to make many public announcements today at 10 a.m. sharp; fully public, web, print, email blast, phone, personal messages. All the announcements were constructed carefully over the last four months by a small team of local Directors with the leadership, oversight, and heavy-handed management of a Big Biggie from the parent company that owns the company I work for. The announcements said that an Exciting New Direction had been mapped out for the company I work for, which would be fully implemented by fall 2008 and would begin immediately, through contract termination for a certain class of employee (about 50 people) who worked as contractors. Many of our local employees came in to work very early today to help prepare to disburse the announcements, and all of us, me included, made changes to our public information just before 10 a.m. so that we would all be in alignment with the planned announcements. Our web guy had been working very hard to meet the deadline, and had just gotten a completely new and re-configured site ready to cut over at 10 a.m. sharp.

Through the arrogant and incompetent methods used by the Big Biggie over the last 4 months, insufficient approvals above his level had been obtained, because his ego structure is such that he believed his strategic plan and his crafted announcements would be a slam dunk and all he had to do was run them by his superiors at the last minute and they would just sign off. Wrong. At 9:45 this morning, the Super Big Biggies over the Big Biggie said that his plan and statements were disastrous, and would result in legislative action against the parent company, so all activity around the planned announcements was to immediately halt. At the earliest, some sort of announcement may be made sometime next week. On top of that, a brief and tersely worded message told the local management that they needed to reword all the announcement documentation to show a position 180 degrees out from what had been planned to be stated. Incompetence, personified. Getting more than a bit boring, this incompetence. I think I will have a bite of chocolate to get through the depressing moment *:-)

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