Friday, December 29, 2006

EOY, Happy Birthday, & More Blotter Stuff *:-)

"End Of Year" contains danger for my self-esteem. I am tempted to review the year and list all that I did not do, or did not do to the best of my ability. That is silly of course. I absolutely did the very best I could, and for me there is no value in reviewing the year at all, especially since the Federal Government will make me do it in April anyway *:-) So, bye bye 2006, I shall think of you no more (yes, I know there are still 2 actual calendar days left, but I am going to ignore them).
The winds of change have begun to pick up in the place I am employed. I can feel them, although no official announcement has been made because the company neither has the office open nor does any business over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. Already there have been a couple spurious emails arriving that portend meetings of significance in the first week we shall all be together in the office again. I shall work to find the courage and appropriate attitude to approach the changes that are coming with peaceful intent and integrity in my steps.
Today is a lovely day, with far less wind, no rain at all, and wonderful Sun shining. It is also my wife's birthday, which sometimes can be a difficult transition from Solstice and Christmas celebrations having just completed, and the New Year revelry just around the corner. I took a firm stance this year however, and I worked hard yesterday to make sure that all traces of Solstice and any other celebrations were removed, so that she can feel that this day is being lived just as a celebration of her birthday, and should contain only those experiences that she chooses, uncolored with any other holiday influence.
Here is a true entry from our local (very local) paper "Police Blotter" section, for your enjoyment:
"3:45 a.m, Monday:
A County Sheriff's deputy responded to a report that a man was burning a guitar on his car. When the deputy arrived, he reported finding that the 22-year-old man had used lighter fluid to burn his guitar on the hood of his car while it was parked on his own property. A report was taken but no arrest was made."
May each step we take find solid ground, and lead us to our intended destination.

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