Monday, December 18, 2006

A Glimpse Through The Fog...

It is a little better in the work place today. Those that over-reacted and became emotionally wrecked by the events of last week have sent their emails of apology, and most of us are moving about almost normally, instead of expecting an IED to go off at any moment.
I believe the fear level is perceived as reduced, although it is my belief that the Biggy that was sent from headquarters to pour oil on our waters did only that, and couldn't care less what actually happens here. We have about 6 weeks until we find out what the "final solution" will be, and of course we all hope that someone who doesn't know anything about what we do is not the one making the decisions.

I am amazed at how much energy the world has devoted to documenting the life and times of black squirrels. I saw my first one about a month ago and am finding out there are actually cults devoted to the black squirrel. Good grief, Charlie B. *:-)

Have Fun *:-)

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