Wednesday, December 06, 2006


The "biggie" is back in the office for a while, so it is meeting city. Productivity is DOWN & needs to go UP! New opportunities are OUT THERE! We all need to work SMARTER, not HARDER! *:-)

I am not motivated to get much practical work done today. I put together some bright accomplishments for our ORG today, and got them done, but not my basic "get it done" stuff. I am hoping my energy will shift into "get it done" gear soon.

So many egos, so many perspectives & opinions, so many ingrained behaviors. I feel fortunate that I am being given the awareness and opportunity to slowly change some of my behaviors so I can "do myself a favor".

The money has run out again, and so the final 8 chairs that we needed to complete one of the new conference rooms will not be ordered. I will accept orange crates in good condition, let me know *:-)

Have Fun & Take Care *:-)

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