Friday, December 22, 2006

Housecleaning...real housecleaning...but not perfect housecleaning

A Winter Solstice gathering is planned for our home tomorrow, and so the process of rearrangement of furniture; moving excess "stuff" out to the invisible storage areas around the home, car & sheds; preparation of foods; laying in enough wood for the woodstove; planning and preparation of entertainment; creating safety gates for the "little one"; making a few clean windows, preparing "mountain clean" bathrooms (not perfect); preparing a very clean kitchen, and preparing to serve the truly inspired and wonderful food made by my wife (and the mother of some of the planned guests) in an attractive way, is going as well as we can manage, given that at this time of the year, with the Sun at its lowest, less energy is available to us. It will be nice to have everyone here for a little while.
For the last few days I have been "encouraged" to not eat in the areas I usually do, because, in the perception of my wife, I am a "crumby" eater *:-) Oh well, I can manage until after the Solstice gathering *:-)
Welcome Sun, I am glad you are on your way back *:-)

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