Sunday, June 03, 2007

Going With The Flow

A dilemma was presented to me yesterday (Saturday), between two mutually exclusive choices:

1. Attend the "sprinkle" (they said it was going to be too small to be called a "shower") to celebrate the second near-full term pregnancy of our daughter-in-law, who is wife to our son who just had emergency surgery last Monday.

2. Continue the preparation work for the major workshop that my wife is hosting on the grounds of our home next weekend, which includes fire safety issues, heavy objects being moved about, and fairly major visual adjustments so that the attendees can focus on the workshop uninterrupted.

Because I used the Memorial Day holiday to support my son during the surgery process, I needed to spend yesterday installing support structures for the propane-fired burners that will be used, and continuing the moving of objects that need to be cleared out of the way for the workshop. So, I did not attend the sprinkle *:-)

There is so much work to do, and since I will be traveling next Saturday, I have requested a vacation day for tomorrow so that I have a chance to get as much done as I can. Have Fun *:-)

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