Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Software Imperative; Headhunter Calls

We are discovering, partly because I am doing the discovering, that our software packages currently installed on our desktops is not matching the requirements of what we believe will be our new mandate. Today I recommended to senior management, after conferring with the IT Manager, that we needed to upgrade several desktop apps. This will be one way to find out if the Super Big Biggies are really intending us to stay in business, or if they are just going to let us bleed to death slowly.

The reason I bring that up is that I got an offer from a county office to take a position that I applied for 2 years ago, and which I wanted quite a bit. The hiring officer agreed, after hearing what I was currently making and what I was currently doing, that it might be close to a wash, but he and I like each other and I would also be good at doing that job, so we have agreed to sit down and talk it over in a couple weeks. It is hard for me to know if the position I have now will continue past fall 2008, or even if it will last that long. I believe the county job would last longer, but it also would be vulnerable to budget cut backs, so this is a bit of a tough one. I am asking for guidance and I believe I will be shown the right road to take. Nice to be wanted though *:-)

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