Yesterday afternoon, when I returned from getting the dvds, I put my emergency flashers on while I was backing up into our hilly parking space, as I always do, & was extra careful because of the kids that were visiting next door for their Father's Day celebration. I forgot to turn the blinkers off *:-( -Seven hours later, when closing up the house & getting ready to turn in for the night, I noticed the reflection of my blinkers on the house across the way & realized what I had done. I dressed quickly, went out to turn them off & tried to try to start the car, which of course would not start because the battery was way too low to turn the engine over. Still, all was not lost, because that gave me a chance to charge up our emergency battery booster over night, & when I went out this morning & hooked up the booster, the engine, although complaining, did turn over & I was able to leave the car running about 30 minutes while parked to get some juice into the battery. Although I am carrying the booster around with me, I have not had to use it today *:-)
In addition to a couple urgent calls for support for some of the men in the men's group I work with, also my wife called me in a dizzy tizzy because she could not find the key to the rental car even though she had it in her hand a few minutes prior, & she was due to leave for work immediately. I recommended she call a taxi & get it to bring her down to my workplace, then she could transfer all her stuff into my car, take my car, & then pick me up at 9 p.m. after she got off work. She sort of agreed to that, but then after a couple minutes I changed my mind & called her & said I would drive up to get her & she did not need to call a taxi. Ten minutes after I was on the road to get her, what do you guess happened...
Yup, she found the key. -All's well that end's well *:-)
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