Saturday, July 07, 2007

Lords Of South Swamp [(c) 2007 OurAutumn]

Well, through the process of trying to make sense of the convolutions & striations & silos that currently make up my workplace, I have a temporary ID for the place: "South Swamp". You may have heard, or heaven help us actually watched, "South Park", so that is sort of the model (no, I haven't ever watched it, but there are snippets here and there on the web that I have seen). I just did a google on south park, & actually it sounds fairly cool, so maybe I will try to watch some of it *:-)

Anyway, the Lords Of South Swamp continue to sneak & plot & fight, & they bring all the hanging dead & dying vegetation of their respective pasts with them on their bodies. I have just decided that I shall be a Warrior Of Service, Food & Meditation (WOSFM?...sounds like a radio station). Anyway, I shall chose my own personal colors, create my own personal crest, fabricate my own warshield & weapons, & will now look around for my charger so I can ride into battle, once someone points me in the right direction *:-)

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