Thursday, July 19, 2007

South Swamp Warlord In Desperate Foray

Most of the Warlords in South Swamp are sort of lying low, since the process of winnowing the 23 Warlord candidates for the new Executive Director Supreme Warlord position has been completed & there are only five left now, all the other 18 having been mercilessly destroyed by the (In-) Human Resources department. One of the Warlords who has not been chosen to continue in the competition, but who still has a position here, is now using this time to stake her claim on as much territory as possible during the lull before the new Executive Director Supreme Warlord is chosen. It is a pain in the ass for the rest of us however, because we see that she is trampling on many of the carefully constructed programs of the last two years, of which she knows nothing. Pure, unadulterated ego marching across a freshly scrubbed floor in muddy boots. Oh well, not my worry. I have been very successful recently in completing some sensitive group/team work which could have gone quite wrong but didn't, & have also been successful in some individual contributor work, so I shall remain happy and confident *:-)

Besides, I have a new GRANDSON, which is very cool *:-)

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