Friday, July 20, 2007

Was HR Training, Is Telecommute...YEA!

I was scheduled to be in an HR training at my workplace all day (9 hours) today instead of telecommuting as I usually do on Fridays. Turns out a death in the trainer's family caused a cancellation, so I got to telecommute *:-) I am grateful. I was pretty tired after this week because the emotional level at South Swamp is still inappropriately high for a workplace, and it will be several months before any new leadership shows up, so I find that I have to take it very easy at work and be careful not to ignite the atmosphere, which is quite flammable at this time.

I tried to set up a new Flickr site for my wife and I today, and it took me 3.5 hours just to get the damn thing set up & put 22 photos on it. I still don't know if any of the invitations I sent out will be functional. I hated it. I have no idea why it is such an obtuse process. At least I can see it.

I am still working on reducing the load on my knees & ankles by dropping some weight, & I purposely designed a slow regimen, so that I won't get emotionally unbalanced during the workday. I would prefer to move faster, but so far 3# have come off & I have 23# more to go, so I am having faith that the process will get me where I want to go by next year some time. I take no solid food whatsoever between 6 p.m. & 6 a.m., & it seems to be working. I can do this now because I won't start the heavy travel schedule again until next February, when it will be much more difficult to schedule my food intake. My recent full physical from my physician resulted in a perfect report, & I am much healthier than my actual age might suggest, which is nice to know. I am still very strong, & hope to get a lot of heavy physical work done at home before the weather shifts into fall & winter wetness.

I went ahead & rented some South Park video segments, & it is just as funny & rude as everyone said, & I think it is pretty good. I hope to use some of the techniques in my own work, & I am enjoying getting caught up on the 1980's *:-)

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