Saturday, October 06, 2007

I Ride A Panther; Topless In Town

First time driving the Mazda Miata was a little difficult, because I didn't put the top down, & had to look around for the various controls & wasn't used to the synchonization of the shifting, etc. No worries though, it didn't take me long to figure out that if I wanted to get in & out easily, the top had to come down *:-) Once I figured that out, it was a very nice ride to be driving. After driving about 50 miles or so, over a couple hours, I decided that the animal most like the Miata I was driving would be a young panther, just past the cub stage. Excellent suspension, steering, & very solid on the brakes, acceleration & shifting, without being over-powered. When it came time to put fuel in, it took me 7 minutes to crawl around looking for the gas port release lever, & I finally gave up & had to open the glove box & RTFM. Got it. No worries *:-), it's in the center storage console *:-) I am used to filling up my truck & so I blithely ordered $20 worth, which was almost too much for the tank! Yikes, I had forgotten how good the gas mileage is on the sport models. How nice *:-) That would have been about 1/3 of my tank *:-)

After doing my own errands around town I went back home to pick up my wife to take her to an event, & we went topless *:-) That was very nice & made us feel like real participants in the local culture & environment, since this area is a coastal recreational area & having a convertible to drive around was very cool *:-) After her event I picked her up & we drove some more, just for the pleasure of it. Nice *:-)

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