Saturday, October 13, 2007

Workies-No-Walkies; Lotta Rain; I Want To

I spent the day working on timelines for a grant that I am helping to write, & got the major draft document sent off to my boss for approval today, although that meant my wife & I did not go for a walk in the woods. I had asked him to stay logged in over the weekend so he could respond quickly, since he is the one that actually is responsible for this, but he didn't, & hasn't responded yet. Oh well.

We have had a lotta rain lately, & we are really grateful. Living where we do without water is not fun. The rain let up just enough for our daughter & son-in-law (not the one who is moving, the one who is going to give birth soon) to borrow our pickup truck to go & get a sofa they purchased, I think from a listing on Craig's list.

I guess the reason I work so hard is because I want to, & also because I have seen what happens when a person doesn't do everything they can to stay financially afloat & also doesn't have the DNA to be extremely frugal & also has a family. I had horrible nightmares about being destitute when our kids were young. I am grateful they did not happen *:-)

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