Monday, October 08, 2007

Panther Pwn'd; Solarcoaster (SM mix) Stranger Than Expected; Peruvian Beans

Yesterday I had to say goodbye to the small 'panther' convertible I had been driving (Miata) & on my last drive I put the top down & drove the 13 miles to the drop off point via a very scenic, twisty-turny road which was perfect for the car. Also, by the time my journey ended I discovered that all my sport car driving skill had returned in full, & I owned it *:-) Today, driving my own full size Toyota pickup, I found myself reaching to shift gears, which of course I don't do in the pickup. When I was younger, I drove, & loved, many sport cars, so I am not surprised it came back so quickly. Cool *:-)

I am now not quite so sure why I downloaded the Solar Stone trance mix "Solarcoaster", since it contains a lot of vocals that I don't remember hearing when I heard it on XM. It must the be mix I chose, so I will keep looking. I am not overly fond of the mix I ended up with *:-(

After our staff meeting today our boss invited us over to his house so he could feed us his home made salsa fresca, which was perfect, and his home made refried peruvian beans, which were delicious. I had never eaten peruvian refried beans before, so I enjoyed the new taste. We also had corn tortillas & avocado, so it was just about a perfect lunch. Thanks boss *:-)

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