Monday, May 28, 2007

Ballooned & Taut Membrane, Gangrene, & Modern Medicine

Our son survived a close call today (Memorial Day) & we are grateful. A diseased condition, similar to appendicitis but infecting the gall bladder, & which is more prevalent in those of us with Native American and/or Scandinavian heritage, attacked our son suddenly late last night & his sister rushed him to the hospital at 4 a.m. today. We got a call about 8:30 a.m. telling us the hospital room number & a brief description of his condition, & that he would probably need to be operated on today. He was in a great deal of pain, & was worried. We reorganized our day and my wife & I (his mom & dad) were able to spend the entire day with him, which we believe helped out quite a bit. After more testing at the hospital, the surgeon said it was obvious that the surgery must happen immediately if he was to avoid life-threatening consequences.

Our son went into surgery about 4 p.m., came out about 6:15 p.m., spent about 45 minutes in the recovery room, then back up to the patient area so he could receive visitors and start his recovery more naturally. The photo that the surgeon showed us of the violent, swollen & gangrenous large nodule that was able to be removed was frightening in its obvious stage of near-explosion, & we offer our gratitude to our daughter for convincing her brother that he must go to hospital immediately, & then also driving him there so early in the morning.

Again, we are grateful *:-)

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