Thursday, May 24, 2007

Some Trepidation, But Mostly Acceptance

In one hour, I will be face to face with a company human resources professional that I will be asking to help me configure a successful and easy path out of Dark Nebula to my next work experience. I have not been told I will be let go, but there are several happenings and behaviors that are informing my intuition that I am to take steps to protect my status as an employed human being:
1. The state legislature has cancelled funding for the organization I am employed by.
2. Layoffs have begun, but are being kept secret (good luck with that one).
3. Core asset reallocation planning has begun.
4. Leasing agents are bringing clients through the physical work space during the work day.
5. Management is tight-lipped, stressed, and will not communicate organizational basics.
6. Parent company departments confidentially share that "your company's planning is a mess, and nobody knows what is going to happen".
7. Parent company staff are closed and uncaring about the value our company staff could offer to the change planning process.
8. The new company mission statement sounds flimsy, meaningless, & uninspiring.
9. The infrastructure is in need of repair, but time and money are not allocated.
10. Rumor has it that the complete demise of the company is planned for September, 2008.

Oh well...onward *:-)

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