I survived my face to face meeting with the parent company's HR rep, and I believe the rep was sincere, listened, and tried hard to be honest & helpful, and I saw on the note paper that good notes were taken. What is amazing to me is that the rep insisted that it is a sincere request on the rep's part that I actively encourage other employees of Dark Nebula to make appointments with the rep, one on one, for as long a meeting as is necessary so that all that needs to be discussed can be, and so that whatever help can be offered also can be. I am confident that the rep was sincere because I also got an email saying the same thing, which means it is in writing.
Here are the questions that I asked, and here are the answers provided:
Q1. If offered a choice, which is best, a furlough or a layoff?
A1. Furlough. HR must by policy handle all furloughs and layoffs, and the local management cannot do it. I was informed that there definitely WILL be layoffs. HR would like to give all of us a layoff notice right now so that we could take advantage of the preferential rehire opportunities, but HR cannot do anything until current management defines the organization and writes the new job descriptions.
Q2. Can I count my years of military service as seniority in any way?
A2. No
Q3. What rights of transfer do I have?
A3. Any transfer would have to be at the identical grade that I am now. A conversation, informal, between me and whatever group I wanted to transfer to would need to happen at my intitiative. Both units would then need to approve the transfer, and in addition, the position must NOT have gone to HR for open recruitment.
Q4. What rights of demotion do I have?
A4. This is possible. I initiate a request, and then both departments must agree.
Q5. What rights of bumping do I have?
A5. Seniority only, and only within the current budgetary unit, and only within the same title code.
Q6. Can I get a final performance appraisal even if it isn't appraisal time?
A6. Yes, but...as it turns out, my budgetary unit has not yet chosen the appraisal form they are going to use, and so therefore I can't get one right now. It would be best to wait until June 30th so that the entire working year would be appraised. (I spoke to my boss after I got back to the office and he will try to speed up the form approval)
Q7. Will any headcount reduction description besides "layoff" be used and will any other rules apply?
A7. No, it is going to be a LAYOFF.
Q8. How is seniority calculated?
A8. Strictly by total hours WORKED over the life of the employment record. The computer totals up total hours worked from all the time cards, and that is my seniority.
Q9. What is the practice for re-employing laid off workers?
A9. There is "right to recall". There is "preferential rehire". There is "severance pay", but if severance is chosen, then all other rights are given up.
Q10. How long is the re-employment eligibility list kept active?
A10. Although it depends on seniority, the separation letter will contain every detail that needs to be known, including how long the list will be active.
Q11. If a lawyer wanted to know what the company's Involuntary Separation Plan is, how would they get it?
A11. All policies are published on the web.
Q12. If the organization as a department gets "disappeared", how does that change my entitlements?
A12. Not at all.
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