Sunday, May 13, 2007

Difficult Starting, Nice Ending

My wife generally suffers from depression on Mother's Day, because she believes our children do not behave in the way she feels they should in honoring her. The children, imho, are very normal, & do love her, but my wife has conditions for receiving her children's love that the kids either don't know about, don't understand the need for, or just don't want to change their lives to meet her expectations. However, our youngest son overcame all of that & came to our home fairly early in the day & spent well over an hour just chatting with us & truly spending "quality" time. He has a family of his own, & does not live in the same county we do, but he made what I believe was a wonderful effort to make his mom's day special. Thank you son *:-) The other kids checked in too, & while my wife & I were away from the home for awhile, our daughter came by & left a gift, so that was cool too. Later in the day, a couple very nice, & quite lengthy, phone conversations took place with both the kids who did not get to see their mom in person. I felt it was about as good as it could be, & I am greatful. Happy Mother's Day *:-)

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