Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Finding DentistLand

Blinding rain, howling wind, flooded roads, wipers madly thumping, tires loudly splashing, headlights gamely shining and on I went to the dentist far far away. I am not sure why my wife and I have chosen our dental resources at such a great distance from where we live and I believe it must have something to do with the fact that they are the best in northern California. This dentist, one of three that we have, each for different purposes, is a (wait for it) r o o t c a n a l s p e c i a l i s t *:-( Today was the preliminary exam and xray session and next Monday is the tong and hammer session. I shall bravely sally forth and take what comes in the hope that when I draw my last breath it shall be across attractive and healthy teeth *:-)
The city in which the r.c.s. has his office is undergoing major reconstruction and I became lost (again) both going into the city and out of it. The new light support poles are in place and the city has not had the time to hang the street names on them yet *:-( Also, many of the streets are blocked off from traffic and all normal and logical patterns are now chaotic causing me to visit places I would not ordinarily go into in order to ask directions. The School District's Administrator's Office was especially helpful and was not accustomed to helping lost out of towners so I appeared to offer some unexpected entertainment to the staff.

Movie Recommendations:
"Finding Neverland" (new) - Yes, see it. OC+

Lee's OC Index:
OC+ = High potential healing and/or educational message for people with OCD tendencies.
OC- = Low potential healing and/or educational message for people with OCD tendencies.

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