Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The McIntosh is dead and down

One of our oldest trees (planted long before we purchased our home) and probably at least 50 years old was felled yesterday by our arborist because it was diseased in the trunk core. Someone long ago had improperly trimmed it, and caused a great deal of water to be directed into the trunk due to pooling and that caused the wood to rot and become diseased. The squirrels are in total shock because the McIntosh apple tree was their primary ingress and egress from our yard because it interfaced directly to the power lines that run parallel to our property line and offered the best escape route from the paint balls as well. I'm smiling about that *:-) and I should have a better shot at them all year long *:-)

Movie Recommendations:

"Bertie & Elizabeth" (1997) - Yes, see it. OC+

Lee's OC Index:
OC+ = High potential healing and/or educational message for people with OCD tendencies.
OC- = Low potential healing and/or educational message for people with OCD tendencies.

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