Thursday, March 10, 2005

Grass, Holes & A Wagon

The recent dry weather and the recent extended light of day has given me a rare chance to mow a portion of our mountain foothill yard closest to the house. How easy it is for me to forget all the gopher holes, dog-dug holes and left over children's hidey-holes that lie beneath the seeming smooth grassy surface. I am up and down at unplanned moments and the mower isn't always well syncronized with my movements causing groans and strains on the electric motor when too much grass is bitten off to chew. At the moment my wife's four wheeled laundry wagon sits precisely aligned with the flat smooth ground path I created last year for her to use in going to and fro the clothesline. I put the wagon there as a pathway guide so that my wife would not injure her ankle again when she cannot resist hanging the clothes out in the fresh sun and air.

Movie Recommendations:

"Oliver's Travels: Discs 1 & 2" (1997) - Yes, see it. OC+

Lee's OC Index:
OC+ = High potential healing and/or educational message for people with OCD tendencies.
OC- = Low potential healing and/or educational message for people with OCD tendencies.

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