Sunday, March 06, 2005

It's Party Time!

Last evening found us on our way to friends for a double 60th birthday party. Our spirits were high and prior to actually arriving at the party we decided to drive past all the movie houses in town thinking perhaps there would be a great movie or two that we could go to at the late showing. That didn't turn out to be the case, but the drive-by did give me a chance to offend the parents of our daughter in law *:-( They are too nice to say anything about being offended, and here is the story so you can decide if I am to be banished to the boorish outlands:
At the last theatre we were checking out, my wife got out of the car to speak to the ticket taker to find out details and I waited in the loading zone with flashers blinking. As my wife was turning away from the ticket booth I saw J & L (parents of our daughter in law) walking toward the ticket booth and noticed that my wife had turned away too soon to see them. Because I was exuberant about going to the party, and because we had not seen J & L in quite awhile and because they live out of town and we hardly ever see them in the area where we live, my excitement caused me to honk the horn loudly, long and repeatedly until J (the father) finally turned my way. I waved to him and got out of the car quickly and jogged over to him and greeted him enthusiastically which he returned as best he could. Meantime my wife had figured out what was going on and she in turn greeted both J & L and then I greeted L.
Well, as we separated and my wife and I got back in our car and as J & L re-formed their own group, I noticed that they were escorting a couple whom we did not know and who looked rather official and sophisticated (uh-oh). So I am hoping that the "request for forgiveness" card that I will be sending to J & L will be accepted since I acted loudly and inappropriately in a public place in front of people that we did not know.
The party was a smash success and we had a ball and met lots of very cool people *:-)

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