Friday, January 12, 2007

It is cold, but I'm happy to be home

The Toyota and the Lloyd's Tires people were both accurate. Both my pickup and my tires were fine to make the business trip I just completed. Thanks you guys for being willing to give me your opinion without charging me anything (I buy plenty from them at other times).
Our wood stove did very well last night, and the house was just a little nippy this morning; easily overcome with a small electric heater in each bathroom to make sitting down less of a shock to the system *:-)
We are deciding on our next mobile phones, and whether or not to stay with Verizon. My wife and I like to have the same phone, so whichever model we pick, it will be a 2-fer. The RAZR has been recommended, the iPhone isn't available yet and will be Cingular anyway (although we could switch), and our 2 year contract is up already, and we are on month to month, but the LG phones we have are very good. We will probably have to go to the Verizon outlet 15 miles away and just stand there and talk until we understand what we should do. My wife's phone now has a cracked screen, so it is time to get the new phones. Recommendations welcome, but it needs to be Verizon because that is the only coverage that works where we live.
Back to trying to get the new banner image to upload to the LMS course I am building. Have Fun *:-)

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