Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Animated 3D Avatars: Woodshed Wood; Soup Saves The Day

I am getting much better at cranking out the 3D avatars, & I sent 3 more to our ET team for feedback today. I am interested to find out if anybody gets excited enough about them to start doing their own, so that I can tell if this is a possible viral marketing/popularity tool so I can build it into my online courses. Not too much excitement yet, but it has only been a couple days. We'll see.

I picked up the last of the 1" x 4" x 8'-0" douglas fir boards that the lumberyard had today, & was only able to get 20. I needed 50, & I suspect that the shortages of natural products is going to get much worse in the good ol' usa before it gets better. The weather is rapidly moving toward the possibility of rain, & I am not ready. I will jam as much as I can to get ready. I still love my newly protected ingress/egress area for my truck, & I feel very secure there, which is a nice, & new, feeling *:-)

My wife makes a very helpful, healthy & easy to digest soup, & I try to eat a bowl each day. It really helped today because I was going to get a deviled egg while on my lunch-hour lumber run, but ended up short on time, so didn't get the egg. The soup got me through, & I appreciate it.

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