Monday, September 10, 2007

ET; Mexican Food; Pain Observed; Cool Video

Today, officially, the work group at South Swamp that I am in was renamed from IT to ET, standing for Educational Technology. No worries for me, because that makes me more employable. Phone Home.

Our post-group meeting lunch took place at a local Mexican restaurant that is "ok" but not great. I had reruns of the meal coming up for about 2 hours after we ate *:-) Nothing too serious though, & because the restaurant is much closer to the South Swamp building than where we usually go, it was easier on one of our members who was suffering from back pain today.

It was difficult to observe the severe back pain that one of our colleagues had to endure today, but she is a senior person on the new phone system selection team, & the vendor was in to discuss the final quotations/specifications today, & our colleague was the host for the meeting. During the ET lunch, she popped a Darvoset (I don't really know what that is), & that got her through the meeting, but she had to go home after that.

I worked until about 7:45 pm today, & while the office was empty, I was able to turn my XM trance tunes (channel 82) up nice & loud & was able to create, for the first time, an animated video avatar that is really cool. I recorded some sound with it & send it off to my ET colleagues. I don't know if they will like it or not, but my wife LOL'd which is a good sign that I did ok. Pretty cool web app & pretty fast too. It took me a while to get the still photo that needs to be uploaded into the proper proportions, etc., but once I did that correctly, the web app did the rest. Email me if you want the URL of the site, which is in Israel.

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