Sunday, September 02, 2007

Hot Again; Dump Run; Triangulated

I found it interesting today when, just by walking while outside in the sun, heavy perspiration broke out. I took it easy, even though I worked, & hydrated properly *:-) GFM *:-)

As I planned I was able to do the dump run today & because we have to show our driver's license in order to get into the transfer site, I was benefited because the attendant noticed that I have reached the age where I get a discount *:-) Excellent *:-) So, talkin' trash was cheaper today *:-)

By timing my work carefully, & only taking the tools that were absolutely necessary out to the boundary line where I am building my woodshed, & where the neighbor has a short fuse, I got the upper part triangulated which will make it as strong as it needs to be. The neighbor stayed home nearly all day but finally left & I got the work done. I did other jobs around the current fencing too, so for me it was a good day *:-) Got to eat a hot fudge sunday with almonds, & my wife made a nice meal for me too *:-)

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