Friday, September 14, 2007

Wife Successful; Lumber Shortage?; Gettin' Ready

My wife has taken several first place prizes for her fiber art work in a juried exhibition, which is very cool & makes me happy, since I know just how much of a real artist she is. Good on ya', sweetie *:-) One of her works is also featured on the web page of a local museum, which is also very cool.

I have been having an increasing amount of difficulty finding the less expensive grades of wood for my fencing & woodshed projects. One thing good about living "out" the way we do is that neighbors & passers-by don't scrutinize the property quite as closely as they might in a city. Recently, some lumber yards have not been restocking the cheaper grades that I usually use, & even today, when I went to the big yard of a local company, the cheaper grades had been moved way out on the periphery of the yard, & there were fewer pre-cut lengths, & less stock all together. A trend no doubt. Perhaps this is in anticipation of all of us moving into Second Life where the fences are digital.

I have started the long trek to creating complete task lists for all the projects I am responsible for at work, & on Monday the software will arrive that will let me actually create the project management timelines for everything, & I can tell that my approach to my work is returning to the fiercely professional level that it was when I first joined South Swamp, until the place fell apart. I trust my instincts, so off I go *:-)

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