Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lunch Location Reboot; Successful At Remaining In Peace

I volunteered to help the ET group I am part of break out of our stale routine of always going to one of the same two restaurants for our after-meeting luncheon. Today I checked out 3 new places, & I will present the menus at Monday's meeting so we can try something new. We are finding things in our practices that need to be rebooted, & this was one of them. Bon appetite *:-)

In today's staff meeting, a rabble-rousing woman, the same one who almost always causes broadly directed negative energy to somehow arise, attacked a statement that I made which was clearly stated to help safeguard all of us who work late, having to do with the mechanical security of the doors into the building. Despite loud & interruptive commentary from the RRW, I was able to go silent when she was on the attack, & then I was able to begin again without rising to any bait she placed on the table. I feel good about that & I am hopeful that I can continue to choose peace instead of conflict. I was supported by all the others in the meeting, which made me feel good.

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