Saturday, August 25, 2007

County Fair, Keeping The Peace

We delivered my wife's creations to the county fair intake building today. She met up with friends that were there, & it was pretty easy this year compared to other years. A county fair is a unique collection of experiences not often found in the learning repertoire of most youth, & I believe if approached in the right way, can be worthwhile.

I checked regularly, by peering out the window, sleuthing along the ivy-covered fence, or otherwise surreptitiously observing, to see if my neighbor had gone away for the day so I could do some more work on the boundary line fence I am building. No luck. He stayed home all day. He also called the sheriff again, but not about me, about one of his other neighbors who is hosting a musical hoedown on his property. My neighbor doesn't like musical hoedowns, especially the ones he can hear from the inside of his house *:-)

By not working on my boundary line fence while he is at home, I am keeping the peace by not giving any opportunity for him to blame his default "rage" response to anything that he doesn't like at the moment.

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