Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday In The Office, Lumber Yard Success, Home Again

I have not worked a Friday in the office for a very long time. It is rather strange, & today there were no managers there! I think everybody was so afraid of getting caught screwing around that we all worked extra hard because we didn't know when a manager would walk in *:-) It was also wierd because the temp receptionist kept wandering around counting how many people were in the office; not because he was a spy or anything, just because he wanted to know how empty the place was. Yeah, it was pretty empty. I will never understand state employment. Our bookkeeper, who is definitely a little wierd, like one of the Brady bunch girls, decided to leave early today because she wanted to make a special meal for her husband because today is his birthday & because he always cooks such nice meals for her. WTF? Hey lady, try working your full shift for a change.

I was able to get to the lumber yard on my lunch hour & got the essentials for starting work on the "fence of contention" that I am excited about getting done, because it is also the structure that will keep my winter's supply of wood stacked properly.

All in all, I am quite glad to be home & able to go to bed.

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