Wednesday, August 29, 2007

El Supervisor; 23-Second Meltdown; Revolt

5 hours standing still with my hands clasped behind my back as the 4 soldier-refugees from the Bosnia-Herzegovina war installed the cat5e cabling for floor-to-floor telecoms today. I was the supervisor of the crew, but only to the extent that I had to be there because our data center contains data that is protected under state law & can't be left alone with non-FBI approved staff. I was advised not to ask any questions like "what did you do in the war"...I guess I don't really want to know & they don't want to talk about it. Ok then.

I introduced my boss to vegan chocolate cake with icing today by showing him how to microwave the piece of cake for exactly 23 seconds so that the icing melts perfectly on the also perfectly warm cake. He was blown away with how good it is *:-)

I refused to provide my personal details regarding my preferences for the candidates for the Chief Warlord position because the person requesting the info cannot be trusted. I also made a behind-the-curtain recommendation on how to get around that evil person, which was submitted by a more senior member of the South Swamp crew, and which had to be accepted by the evil Acting Interim Executive Director. I have dubbed her behavior as "dark & deceitful" & I won't place my well-being in her hands blindly. The entire staff is more comfortable because now HR will be getting the input & the dark one will not see it *:-)

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